
HackerRank Developer Skills Platform

Learn new skills, complete coding challenges, and attract new employers looking for up and coming developers


88 Votes

A comprehensive platform for developing and testing software development skills.


HackeRrank deveLoper sKills platform is a comprehensive tool designed to help both companies and individuals test and improve their coding skills. It offers a wide range of coding challenges that cover various domains, from algorithms and data structures to artificial intelligence and databases.


Wide Range of Challenges: The platform offers a rich library of challenges in different domains. The problems are categorized based on difficulty level, making it suitable for programmers of all levels.

Company-Specific Coding Challenges: HackeRrank deveLoper sKills platform helps job-seekers prepare for technical interviews by providing company-specific coding challenges. It's a great way to gain insight into the types of questions that may be asked during an interview.

Competitive Programming: Users can also participate in timed contests to compete against other developers worldwide. This feature adds a fun, competitive element to the learning process.


The platform performs excellently, with minimal lag time. The code editor is robust and supports more than 30 programming languages. The in-built compiler is fast and provides detailed error messages, which can be very helpful for debugging.

User Experience

The interface of HackeRrank deveLoper sKills platform is clean and intuitive. New users can easily navigate through the platform and start solving problems in no time. The platform also provides a discussion forum for each problem, allowing users to collaborate and learn from each other.


The platform is free for individual users, which is a massive plus for learners. Companies looking to use HackeRrank for hiring purposes can choose from various pricing plans based on their needs.


Overall, HackeRrank deveLoper sKills platform is an excellent tool for improving coding skills. It offers a variety of challenges and supports a wide range of programming languages. Whether for interview preparation or skill improvement, it is a valuable resource for any developer.

Highest-Rated Features:

  1. Performance
  2. Technical Screening
  3. Reports

Lowest-Rated Features:

  1. Integration APIs
  2. Reporting
  3. Customization
HQ Location
Littleton, CO
Year Founded
LinkedIn® Page (982 employees)
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